Unglued - Full Series - Digital Purchase
Many women spend their entire lifetime trying to keep their raw emotions in check. Raw emotions are those feelings we hide from others but spew on those we love the most. We don’t often show raw emotions to the world at large mind you. We’re patient and loving and extraordinarily kind to the grocery clerk, the UPS delivery woman, and even the sometimes snippy clerk at the returns counter. It’s the people we absolutely love the most that sometimes get our worst. In this six-session video study, author and speaker Lysa TerKeurst will teach you and your group how to acknowledge, understand, and manage raw emotions that are commonplace to the average woman. Each time we feel a raw emotion coming to the surface it’s an opportunity to either fall back into patterns that make us wallow in guilt or choose more wisely and make progress.
Most videos have a companion study guide available for purchase to serve your group or church. All study guide prices are single user licenses only. All guides are protected by copyright laws - so help yourself by following the rules, protecting the authors, and sleep well at night by buying a print license for each copy you need for your group. Thanks for your cooperation!