In this six-session video Bible study, Pastor Jim Cymbala explores how God promises in his Word that you can approach him at any time and be certain he will hear you, answer you, and extend his mercy to you. Prayer can change lives and circumstances like nothing else, and when you and other believers call on his name, powerful things happen! Featuring teachings by Jim Cymbala and interviews with ordinary people who received extraordinary answers to their prayers, this study will show how prayer can transform your life.
In this inspiring video study, popular pastor Matt Chandler offers tangible ways to develop a faith of pursuing, chasing, knowing, and loving Jesus.
Tommy Nelson is sharing his story in hopes of bringing you closer to hope, healing, and Jesus. See why this event is so important to Christians everywhere.
Jamie's prayer and hope is for God to use her words to encourage and show others that they are not alone, while constantly pointing them to Jesus.