Do you find yourself asking, “What do I do next? How do I stay motivated to grow deeper in my relationship with God when I feel complacent, intimidated, or confused? What can I do to get back on track when I hit a spiritual rut?” In What’s Next?, bestselling author and pastor Chris Hodges offers a practical guide to all those looking for clarity and direction, and reveals the four steps to spiritual maturity.
Whats Next trailer from The Hub on Vimeo.
In this inspiring video study, popular pastor Matt Chandler offers tangible ways to develop a faith of pursuing, chasing, knowing, and loving Jesus.
Tommy Nelson is sharing his story in hopes of bringing you closer to hope, healing, and Jesus. See why this event is so important to Christians everywhere.
Jamie's prayer and hope is for God to use her words to encourage and show others that they are not alone, while constantly pointing them to Jesus.