Tommy Nelson’s Song of Solomon 1995 Classic Study Guide: A Study of Love, Marriage, Sex and Romance (PDF Study Guide)
A Study of Love, Marriage, Sex and Romance
Since 1995, Tommy Nelson's best-selling teaching on the Song of Solomon has encouraged Christians in every stage of their romantic life. This PDF Study Guide corresponds with the Digital Video Download, making it the ideal solution for your next pre-marital class, marriage ministry, or small group.
The Digital Video Download is a digitally remastered version, allowing you to experience this timeless biblical wisdom in enhanced color, audio and widescreen formatting.
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The popular 12 sessions cover:
1. The Art of Attraction (1:1-7)
2. The Art of Dating (1:8-2:7)
3. The Art of Courthship, Part 1 (2:8-14)
4. The Art of Courtship, Part 2 (2:15-17)
5. The Art of Intimacy, Part 1 (3:1-4:4)
6. The Art of Intimacy, Part 2 (4:5-16)
7. The Art of Conflict, Part 1 (5:1-6:13)
8. The Art of Conflict, Part 2 (5:10-6:13)
9. The Art of Romance, Part 1 (7:1-2, 11)
10. The Art of Romance, Part 2 (7:3-8:3)
11. The Art of Commitment, Part 1 (8:4-9)
12. The Art of Commitment, Part 2 (8:10-14)
Watch Session 1 For Free
About Tommy Nelson
Tommy Nelson is the the Senior Pastor of Denton Bible Church, located in Texas. He is the author of a number of books and resources, speaks nationally at conferences, and has been featured on Focus on the Family, FamilyLife Today, and other national broadcasts. He has a Master of Arts degree in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. Tommy and his wife, Teresa, have two adult sons.