The Jesus I Never Knew - Full Series - Digital Purchase
In this six-session video video-based study, the drama and immediacy of motion pictures are used to compare well- and little-known film portraits of Jesus with the Jesus of the Bible. In each session, you’ll obtain fresh, uncluttered perspectives on history’s central figure—His radical claims, His challenging teachings, and His affect on others . . . including you. You’ll make life-changing discoveries about God, the Bible, and yourself. Best of all, you’ll come face-to-face with the most compelling, creative, challenging, fearless, unpredictable, and ultimately satisfying Person anyone can know: Jesus Christ. Study Guide sold separately.
Most videos have a companion study guide available for purchase to serve your group or church. All Study Guide prices are single user licenses only. All guides are protected by copyright laws - so help yourself by following the rules, protecting the authors and sleep well at night by buying a print license for each copy you need for your group. Thanks for your cooperation!