We all face storms in life. Many times, these storms devastate us and leave us torn apart beyond recognition. Heartbreak. Fear. Regret. Insecurity. Shame. When these emotions well up inside, it’s difficult to believe we will make it through. We have an enemy who says we will not survive this one.
But God offers us a way through the storm. In The Storm Inside, an eight-session, video-based study by Sheila Walsh, you’ll look at the stories of eight women of the Bible who traveled the path from shame to love, from disappointment to hope, from insecurity to confidence, from despair to faith, and more. You will get to know them as real people and see how God came through for each of them. You’ll see the crucial choices they made, and you’ll lay hold of the grace that forgives what is past, gives strength for the present moment, and offers hope for the future.