Andy Stanley's Guardrail Full Series
Guardrails on the highway make up a system designed to keep vehicles from straying into dangerous or off-limit areas. They're everywhere, but they don't really get much attention...until somebody hits one. And then, more often than not, it's a lifesaver. Ever wonder what it would be like to have guardrails in other areas of your life - areas where culture baits you to the edge of disaster and then chastises you when you step across the line? Your friendships. Your finances. Your marriage. Maybe your greatest regret could have been avoided if you had established guardrails. This series can be used for personal reflection or for group discussion with the accompanying PDF or the companion print participant's guide.
Most videos have a companion study guide available for purchase to serve your group or church. All study guide prices are single user licenses only. All guides are protected by copyright laws - so help yourself by following the rules, protecting the authors, and sleep well at night by buying a print license for each copy you need for your group. Thanks for your cooperation!